Wednesday, October 5, 2011

ARC Review: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer [Hardcover]

I've finished "The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer" by Michelle Hodkin.

Product Description

Mara Dyer doesn't believe life can get any stranger than waking up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. It can.                                                                                                                                                  
She believes there must be more to the accident she can't remember that killed her friends and left her strangely unharmed. There is.
She doesn't believe that after everything she's been through, she can fall in love. She's wrong.
Product Details
Reading level: Young Adult
Hardcover: 464 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers (September 27, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1442421762
ISBN-13: 978-1442421769

My Review:

I have to admit that I don't really read YA but I'm so glad that I read this one.  This book should be read by for a mature teenager since there is references to sexual situations and foul language.

Wow what can I say about this book?  I loved it and Noah has a reputation of being a ladies man who can be such a smart ass and be snarky at times.  I really loved his scenes with Mara especially their snarky conversations and sizzling flirtations.  Also really loved how he wanted to show everyone that Mara was important to him and treated her right.  He sure had to work hard at it! He has a few deep and dark secrets himself which we learn later on in the book but you will have to read yourself.  He's smart, has a lovely British accent, cocky and confident, snarky at times and hunky.

Mara is a loner and doesn't remember the night her friends were killed.  She's traumatized and is suffering PTSD.  She's having visions of people she's met dying and then later finds out it's true.  She's hallucinating by seeing her friend's faces in mirrors and in crowds and hearing voices in her head.

The ending ends in a cliff hanger which is begging for a sequel!

I highly recommend reading this book if you like a psychological thriller with supernatural elements. 


Thanks Simon and Schuster Canada for sending me this book to review, greatly appreciated!


Alexa said...

I agree with everything that you said. This book was amazing and I would recommend it even for people who don't like paranormal/thriller books. I know I'm not a fan of the creepy type of stories but by the end of this book I had chills and I could do nothing but say how much I loved it!

I also can't wait for the second book because I already need more of the witty conversations that happen between Noah and Mara. SPOILER------- I NEED JAMIE BACK!!! I missed him in the later part of the novel when he was gone. I want him to come back in the second book.

Great review. :)

Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

Hi Alexa,

I'm with you too about needing more witty sexual conversations between Noah and Mara, LOL!

Same here what JAMIE back too! SPOILER----- Hmm Jamie shouldn't have been the one to leave it should have been those two mean people! Too bad Noah didn't kill the dude!

Hmm what do you think of JUDE?

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