Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anime Review: Uta Prince No Sama: Maji Love 1000% Episode 3

We open with the class finding out if they pass or not. If you didn't you get another chance. Haruka finds out both her and Ittoki passed. Then we see Ichinose talking to Ryuuya about his grade. Ryuuya said Ichinose's song is missing heart. Haruka almost bumps into Ichinose in the hallway and they look at each other for a minute. Haruka says wait and she apologizes for the last time for being rude. Ichinose walks away!
Then class resumes and Haruka is asked to play again on the piano.  Her hands refuse to play and her classmates are saying rude things like "her again", etc.  Ittoki and Tomochika tell everyone to be quiet and to stop with their rude comments.  Then you see Masato looking sad.  Haruka finally has enough and you see her run out of the classroom and Tomichika runs out too and tells her to "wait".

Haruka is outside looking at the lake when she sees the cat who took her underwear the previous night.  He comes over and starts rubbing himself against her.  She decides to call him I can't remember the name.  LOL!  She then runs to the grocery store where see meets Masato.  They both come back to the school looking at the lake.  Masato asks her if she is okay and he tells her he was like her when he first came to the school.  She says she is fine but she has somewhere she has to be and runs off.  She comes back but the cat is gone.

The next day when she walks into the classroom someone has written some rude things about her.  Ittoki and Tomochika come in and say don't listen to it and ask who wrote the stuff.  They start erasing the chalkboard when Ringo arrives.  Haruka finally has enough and you see her run out of the classroom and Tomichika runs out too and tells her to "wait".

Next you see Ittoki talking to Ringo that there is rumors about Haruka and asks her/him to talk to the students and get them to stop.  Ringo says they can't because this is a different kind of school.  You see Masato on the landing above them listening.

Haruka has been practicing playing the piano when Masato comes into the music room.  He starts playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the piano and then Haruka manages to play it with him.  Then he gets her to play it on her own but her hands start freezing up again.  He puts his hand on top of hers and he tells her he was like her before and he couldn't eat in front of his dad when he was younger.  He tells her he wrote a song before he meet her and then he plays the piano and starts singing too.  I really like his song.

Then we see them talking at the lake again and he tells her she made him appreciate music.  

The End!

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