I am so excited to have Gregory Landsman at Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews with a Spotlight, Q/A and Giveaway.
Thanks Gregory and iRead Book Tours for allowing me to join your Face Food Blog Tour!
Please take it away, Gregory!
FACE FOOD by Gregory Landsman
Q1. YOU ARE A FIRM BELIEVER THAT WHEN IT COMES TO PREMATURE SKIN AGING THAT PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN A CURE. Yes, I believe it is all about prevention and giving our body the nutrients it needs to boost, protect and revitalise our cells. A great nutritious diet is a powerful way to ensure the body has the nutrients it needs to protect and regenerate healthy skin cells.
However, when we talk about premature aging, we need to clarify that there is a huge difference between premature skin aging and the aging process. Counteracting premature skin aging is a process of de-stressing the skin from the inside out and the outside in, so we can look our best at every age.
Premature skin aging is brought on by stress – the stress we feel; lifestyle stressors, including poor quality food; and exposure to environmental stressors. With knowledge and know how anyone can counteract the skin stress that creates premature skin aging and take years off the face naturally. I show people how to do this with food, facial exercise, natural skincare, breathing and a variety of easy lifestyle changes that help them to de-stress their skin, so it naturally ages less.
Whereas aging is the process of growing into ourselves so we can live our best lives.
To look our best, we need to feel our best and how we deal with the aging process is a big part of that. My belief is that to live happily we need to age gratefully and gracefully.
Valuing the wisdom, clarity and self acceptance that comes with life experience is the path to feeling peaceful and good in our own skin. This in turn keeps us looking our best, as when we feel good, we look good!
But this all comes with a decision to accept aging as a natural part of life and work at being the best version of ourselves at every age. When we do this we make good choices about what supports us and what doesn't.
So when preventing premature skin aging becomes the priority, the question I always recommendpeople ask themselves before they eat anything is, “What is this food doing for me? Is its nutritionsupporting my overall health and my skin, or is breaking it down?”
Q2. IN MANY OF YOUR FACE LIFTING FOOD APP RECIPES YOU USE A LOT OF GARLIC AND ONION. WHY? I add onion and garlic to any meal where it will add taste and complement the dish. This is because they are both what I call ‘little collagen warriors’. Garlic and onion are rich in sulphur and protect our collagen from the free radicals that break it down.
Sulphur is one the three most abundant minerals in our body and helps maintain the health of our skin, our tendons and our ligaments. Eating sulfur-rich foods has enormous skin benefits, because collagen production in the body relies on getting enough sulphur. Food is a great way to fuel the body with sulphur.
One thing to keep in mind when cooking with garlic is that you need to crush it or chop it finely to activate the compound Allicin, as this has been found to deliver anti oxidant benefits and reduce inflammation.
There is no doubt garlic and onion deliver great flavours to food, but they also deliver big skin benefits, so I recommend using them as often as you can.
Q3. IF YOU DON’T LIKE GARLIC AND ONION CAN YOU RECOMMEND ANYTHING ELSE? What I love about nature’s goodness is that you can get a variety of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants from a variety of sources. There are many vegetables that have a high sulphur content. These include Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, watercress, leeks, radishes and turnip tops.
But you can also obtain sulphur from chicken, most types of fish (including shell fish), a variety of legumes, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, parmesan cheese, dried sultanas and apricots and certain grains such as pearl barley.
Eatingsulphur-rich foods is a powerful way to support your skin, hair and nails and when you include themregularly in your daily diet you will see a difference.
What I love about cooking for skin health is that nutritious food comes in many forms, which means your taste buds need never get bored.
Q4. YOU TELL US THAT SUGAR IS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS TO EAT FOR YOUR SKIN. DO YOU EAT DESSERT? I love a good Pavlova or a baked cheesecake, but I might eat these three times a year at times of celebration. Dessert spelt backwards is stressed! Sugar in any form (desserts, drinks or alcohol) mimics the stress hormone in the body and induces the glycation process that weakens collagen. So consuming sugar on a regular basis not only creates skin stress, but also stresses the body.
If you like dessert, then explore alternatives that don't involve a lot of sugar and saturated fats. Honey for example is a great alternative, as long as it isn’t heated.
One dessert I love to eat with honey is natural yoghurt with fruit. I mix some honey with the yogurt, add some finely chopped fresh mint and serve it over slices of fresh watermelon. This is a taste sensation that does great things for your skin.
Q5. CAN YOU TELL US A BIT ABOUT HOW YOU ARE USING FACE FOOD IN CANCER WELLNESS CENTRES TO SUPPORT PATIENTS TO COUNTERACT SUPER DRY SKIN? Extremely dry skin is often something that cancer patients experience as a result of their medication. Living with dry, cracked or flaking skin all over the body is extremely uncomfortable, however one of the best ways to deal with dry skin is with a good nutritional diet.
With that in mind I started a series of classes in cancer wellness centres for carers and patients showing them how to cook food that would support their skin. These are based on the recipes in FACE FOOD.
I also developed a DIY online treatment with topical skin recipes called Super Dry Skin (see gregorylandsmantreatments.com), for anyone who experiences very dry skin. Of course the best natural approach to address lack of skin hydration is with diet and vitamin enriched topical treatments. In combination they can make a remarkable difference to the health, hydration and vitality of our skin.
To receive a free copy of Gregory’s e-book, STOP SKIN AGING PREMATURELY, which includes a list of the most powerful cortisol lowering foods that help reduce stress and wrinkles go to:
Book Excerpt - FACE FITNESS
Face Fitness is a natural face lift that can take ten years off your face.
All it takes is ten minutes a day to retain or regain a fresh, healthy and younger looking face.
While travelling in India I crossed paths with an amazing seventy-eight year-old woman who taught me that our genes are not our destiny and that the way our faces age is literally in our hands.
The day she took my hands and clasped them in her own, I knew she would teach me something that would stay with me forever.
What this learned woman shared with me was an ancient Indian treatment that dates back several thousands of years. Having been passed down through her family, it told a story of ancient wisdom steeped in a true understanding of the human form and how to maintain a youthful appearance by keeping the facial muscles fit and skin firm.
This is why I called this program Face Fitness!
What I will show you is a powerful and genuine alternative to a surgical face lift that gets results without the $30,000 price tag. It will help you retain and regain a vibrant face without nipping, tucking, sucking and plucking the skin or the facial muscles.
Face Fitness will show you how to:
• Drain toxins that age the skin
• Prevent and reduce wrinkles without anaesthetic
• Sculpt and reshape the face without pain
• Minimise lines around the mouth without collagen
• Lift sagging skin without stitches
• Reduce crow’s feet and the folds in the upper and lower eyelids without a surgeon
• Minimise a double chin without cutting
• Tighten jowls and loose skin on the neck without the expense
• Plump up hollow cheeks without face fillers
• Oxygenate the blood to give your skin a lasting healthy glow as well as
• How to eat your way to great skin with the 5 Day Skin Firming Diet
Face Fitness is about conditioning the face in a way that will naturally outlast any surgical face lift or artificial face fillers. This is not only a correction technique for wrinkles and sagging muscles, but a means of prevention as well.
Since learning these techniques I have practised them daily and used them in my career for many years.There is no doubt that if practised consistently this program will not only improve tone, but the overall look of the face.
In a time where so much emphasis is placed on the way we look, where we have all experienced the mental anxiety that sits on our faces, we need a way to keep our faces fresh and healthy, and our minds calm as we journey through the world.
A key part of taking the pressure off comes from understanding that while we all want to look as good as we can for as long as we can, in truth we touch people in a very small way with our looks. Mostly we touch them through acts of kindness and the sharing of our humanity.
My personal philosophy on B.E.A.U.T.Y. is…
B alance in our life unfolds from the inside out.
E nthusiasm lies within the way we think and feel about ourselves.
A cceptance is the path to making peace with ourselves and others.
U nderstanding ourselves gives us clarity and wisdom to know what we want, and importantly, what we don’t.
T rust attunes our heart and mind so we can nurture spontaneity and adventure in our lives, and see that…
Y ou have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve and to never settle for anything less.
As you read this book and start to incorporate the techniques into your daily life you will see clearly that our faces tell the story of our feelings. Looking good is about feeling good and maintaining healthy skin inside and out is a big part of that.
Learning to understand the connection between how we look after our faces and how we think (stress) helps us discover our own path to an energised, vibrant and healthful face.
For when we let go of the stressful thoughts and feelings, we give ourselves a natural face lift; as self belief will out-do, out perform and outlast plastic surgery, botox, and restylane face fillers every time.
We cultivate beauty by remembering our humanness and our goodness, and celebrating the best in ourselves and others.
Gregory Landsman
Book Excerpt - FACE FOOD
"FACE FOOD highlights that simple, tasty foods have the ability to flush your face with vitality, improve and change the quality and texture of your skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, increase firmness and combat premature aging.
While genetic factors play a major role in the way we age, so does the food that we eat. In fact our diet is one of the great anti-aging secrets to retaining or regaining beautiful skin. It’s all based on the basic principal that building and protecting collagen through the foods we eat is the foundation to healthy, youthful looking skin; as when we increase collagen, wrinkles begin to fade and skin regains its elasticity.
Dealing with faces every day as I have for many years, it is easy to see when skin has been deprived of nutrients. So whenever I recommend a skin solution I keep in mind that one of the most effective ways to protect and preserve our skin at any age involves eating the right skin renewing foods.
Many of the natural foods we eat hold age-defying vitamins and minerals that are essential to give the skin radiance, while supporting, hydrating and maintaining the health of the skin. They are also the key to building collagen.
You may ask why building collagen is so important. Simply because collagen is the protein in connective tissue that keeps the skin elastic. However, the fibres in these tissues can become weak and damaged through free radicals, which impact our skin both inside and out as a result of different lifestyle elements such as bad food, sun damage, smoking, pollution, excess alcohol, and the list goes on!
However, collagen cannot be absorbed from a beauty cream as the molecules are too large to penetrate the skin’s cells. This means the most effective solution is either topically applying the right ingredients (see Face Value), or eating foods full of skin regenerating vitamins and minerals that naturally renew, stimulate and protect collagen.
The quick and easy recipes in this book are power packed with skin building ingredients to help your skin be the best it can be.
For me cooking is not only a wonderful reminder that sharing food with those we love nurtures their health and skin from the inside out, but that the true essence of our beauty is in sharing the spirit of our humanity in all that we do.
My personal philosophy on B.E.A.U.T.Y. is…
B alance in our life unfolds from the inside out.
E nthusiasm lies within the way we think and feel about ourselves.
A cceptance is the path to making peace with ourselves and others.
U nderstanding ourselves gives us clarity and wisdom to know what we want, and importantly, what we don’t.
T rust attunes our heart and mind so we can nurture spontaneity and adventure in our lives, and see that…
Y ou have what it takes to create the life and love you know you deserve and to never settle for anything less.
So while our skin is the largest organ in the body and we need to look after it, it is important to remain true to our beauty by never forgetting that laughter and humor play a major role in experiencing it and feeling it.
After all, the beauty we feel
is the beauty we live.
Gregory Landsman

Book Details
FACE FOOD: Eat Your Way to Tighter Brighter Younger Looking Skin by Gregory Landsman
Category: Adult Non-Fiction (18 yrs +), 67 pages
Genre: Beauty & Grooming; Health & Wellness; Self Help
Publisher: Hill of Content Publishing |Release date: December 2018
Tour dates: Jan 25 to Feb 12, 2021 | Content Rating: G.
Book Description
FACE FOOD can do for your skin what no expensive beauty cream can – it will show you how to give yourself a nutritional face lift. Find out how kidney beans plump and smooth the skin, a handful of almonds can give skin a healthy glow and how the little sardine reduces wrinkles and prevents age spots. FACE FOOD features easy to make recipes, revealing the most important natural foods, full of powerful age defying vitamins and minerals that are essential to nurturing and protecting your skin’s collagen - the key to keeping the skin firm and elastic.
Optimise the health of your skin with recipes to:
• Counteract the aging process
• Stimulate and protect collagen
• Tighten skin and improve elasticity
• Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
• Protect skin with natural antioxidants
• Increase the thickness and suppleness of skin
• Restore skin radiance
Attaining youthful looking skin has never been more simple or effective!
Buy the Book: Amazon ~ B and N ~ Book Depository ~ BAM ~ Walmart ~ IndieBound ~ Chapters Indigo ~ Add to Goodreads
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Gregory Landsman is one of the most noted global beauty and wellness experts in the world, a best selling author of nine books, and a TV host who specializes in using food to take years off the face naturally.
Having worked in the beauty industry for 30+ years Gregory believes that how we age is 100% controllable. His natural methods are used globally by models, shown in universities and recommended by doctors. The key to his success can be found in his authentic approach to delivering science-based and accessible solutions to reduce stress (de-stress) and look younger (age less) at any age.
His latest book, Stop Stress Fast, reveals how to use the power of stress reducing foods and your own breath to lower stress quickly and naturally, while removing the aging impacts of stress from the face. Often referred to as ‘The Beauty Advisor’, Gregory’s books and global TV program Face Lifting Food show viewers how to create quick skin-boosting meals and powerful skin treatments using everyday foods to achieve younger, healthier looking skin at any age.
Gregory is a strong voice for inclusion. His book, Faith Lifting Prayers is a celebration of humanity and captures his journey of extremes; from Apartheid South Africa to working at the height of the fashion industry, and his fundamental discovery that regardless of what we do, how we look cannot be separated from how we feel. This is why all of his books, even those about looking younger, all feature his own quotes and philosophy about the importance of feeling good in our skin.
His book A Lifetime of BEAUTY also shares messages for early teens and middle years about embracing our differences and our individuality; finding happiness; and standing strong in a world that often judges us for the way we look. This book is endorsed for inclusion in the education system.
connect with the author: website ~ podcast ~ goodreads Book Trailer
Win all 8 Gregory Landsman books valued at $190.00 including his latest book Stop Stress Fast (ends Feb 28)
Please follow the rest of the tour here, thanks: