
Thursday, April 19, 2012

ARC Review: Simon Says Die [Mass Market Paperback]

I've finished "Simon Says Die" by Lena Diaz.
Product Description

Madison McKinley knows someone is stalking her. The police tell her she's imagining things, and they're too busy trying to find the "Simon Says" killer to investigate. But day by day, hour by hour, Madison's terror grows stronger, and not even the return of FBI Special Agent Pierce Buchanan into her life can calm her fears. Besides, how can she ask Pierce for his help after the way she ended things between them?

Pierce still wants Madison's love, and his drive to protect her is more powerful than ever. He believes she's in danger, even if the cops don't. Finally, as more people start dying and the evidence mounts, the police turn their attention to Madison — as a suspect. Was Pierce a fool to trust her again, or are they both caught in a complex game that neither will survive?
About the Author

Lena Diaz grew up a Navy Brat, but while two of her three siblings followed in her father's footsteps and joined the Navy, Lena loosely followed in her musically talented mother's footsteps by choosing a more creative path: writing. Her first novel-length manuscripts were paranormals ranging from contemporary vampire stories to medieval druid tales. Since dead bodies kept creeping into everything she wrote, she eventually turned to romantic suspense. Today Lena can be found in North Florida with her husband of twenty-plus years, her belly-dancing daughter, her mud-bogging son, a tri-colored Sheltie named Sparky, and a pair of Beta fish named Rocky Bal-Beta and Mr. T. 
Product Details
Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Avon Impulse (April 17, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062136364
ISBN-13: 978-0062136367
My Review:
Savannah has a new killer nicknamed "Simon Says" because he leaves notes on the bodies with "Simon Says Die".  Special FBI agent Pierce Buchanan was assigned to the task force to investigate and put an end to this horrendous killer.  Logan his best friend asked him to check on his sister Madison he did.  In the past he was going to propose to her but she ended the relationship before he could.
Madison has recently moved to Savannah and bought a house but hasn't moved in yet. Then she starts noticing strange things happening around her:

1.  The management company that was looking after her house was fired
2.  Someone is following her (watching her outside her house)

She has called the police but after the third time (the person would be long gone) they decide she just wants attention and making up stories about the stalker.  She gets fed up and decides to take matters into her own hands.  She finally follows the man and gets a good look at him and he's her husband.  It was her husband who was believed to have died 18 months ago.

The mystery was a thrilling and exciting ride with a lot of drama and surprises.  

I really liked Pierce and he is definitely a very sexy hero with great qualities:
1.  loyal
2.  reliable
3.  sensitive
4.  smart
5.  solid
6.  strong
Madison has a strong personality who acted first before thinking and has a jaded way of life.  I don't blame her for not wanting to commit to another relationship because her marriage wasn't the loving and caring one she should of have.  I didn't really like Madison that much because at times I thought she was really obnoxious and annoying.

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