
Friday, April 27, 2012

18 and Over Book Blogger #33

18 and Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines and Kelly at Secrets of a Book Lover.

The 18 Over Book Blogger Follow is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 and over crowd, and make new friends!

How to join in:

You should run a book blog that features and reviews mostly adult reads, some Y.A.’s are okay but 18 and  Over adult reads should be your majority.

Make a separate post for the 18 and Over Book Blogger Follow on your blog.

Copy the html for the button above and place it at the top of your post.

List and answer the ‘Question of the Week.’

Place your name and blog title in the linky below and the url for a direct link to your post

Visit the other blogs on the list. If you like what you see make sure to leave a comment and follow so the blog owner knows you stopped by and can return the favor. Following each blog is not mandatory but I know it is always appreciated, and if someone comments saying they’re a new follower it’s polite to follow back. It’s always nice to spread the 18 and Over Book Blog love!

Question of the Week:

We all know that in romance, authors each have their own unique phrases when referring to those special man and lady bits or the act of those bits getting together. ;) What is one or a few of the silliest phrases you have read?

Manly bits:

Lady bits:

1.  Tunnel of Love
2.  Gushing Fountain

Act of Love:


I will update after I check out my bodice ripper books again!


  1. Gushing fountain just sounds nasty!! lmfao

  2. I agree with Madame D, it's not sexy at all... I'd be majorly turned off and out for business if that were ever mentioned to me. Lol!!

  3. I agree Gushing fountain is gross and makes me laugh and want to run away screaming at the same time. Yuck!
    My unique phrases

    Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

  4. Gushing Fountain! That squee's me out a bit, I would def. run from that one! lol

    Thanks for participating in the follow!


I love getting comments!

Thank you for the comments, greatly appreciated!