
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anime Review: Uta Prince No Sama: Maji Love 1000% Episode 1

We open up with all the idols singing and dancing on stage.  The dancing, song and outfits are really cheesy but fun and upbeat!  I was singing along to the song.

Haruka desperately wants to attend Saotome Academy so that she can become a composer for her favorite pop idols. When she’s late to the entrance exam she almost never gets her chance until two beautiful bishounen Otoya and Ren appear and come to her rescue. Ren vouches for her saying Haruka was late because she was helping a little girl with finding her umbrella.  The guards get a phone call from the head master and they say they are making an exception and allowing Haruka to take the exam.

After becoming a full time student, Saotome and her best friend Shibuya begin to meet the very beautiful pop idol wannabes that become her friends and make up her world which includes the serious Masato, the fun loving Otoya, flirtatious Ren, cheerful and energetic Shou, Natsuki who loves cute things and brooding  Ichinose who looks an awful lot like her favorite idol.

During lunch in the cafeteria Haruka trips and Shou grabs and saves her lunch card.  She thanks him and Ren comes along and says, "he has an eye on her already" and teases Shou by calling him short stuff.  They exchange words when Masato arrives and banters with Ren.  Then they have lunch, etc.

Near the end of the episode Haruka is in her room when a black cat steals her underwear and runs out the window.  She follows it to a gazebo where she sees Hayato and tells him she's a fan of his.  He stands up and says, "he's Ichinose Hayato's younger brother and not to confuse him with his brother".  You can tell he resents his older brother.

The episode ends with the opening song for the rest of the episodes.  You see Haruka interacting with all the idols.  I really enjoy this song and it's sung by one of my favorite anime voice actors.

I really enjoyed the background music and the personalities of all the main and secondary characters.  I do have my favorite idols.



  1. Wow, this sounds crazy. I still haven't watched much anime. I should get into it. Is this also a manga series?

  2. Hi Alison,

    Yes this a manga series but it's not translated into English. It's actually a 2010 Japanese dating game.


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