
Friday, February 4, 2011

18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday Hop #20


Laurie from Bitten by Paranormal has created a 18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday Hop where you can find adult bloggers. Thank you for this was looking for more adult blogs.


*Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky

*Then add your post for the tag along in the second box linky

*When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment, so they can tag along to your blog.

*There is a code on my left sidebar, so you can place the pic. on your post.

This weeks question:
Do you prefer to read erotic novella's or novels?

I prefer novels!


  1. Hey Terri..just stopping by for the tag along! I prefer novels too. I have Everyone Loves a Hero on my list to read this week. Hope you're enjoying it.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi, just hopping by to say hello. Have a great weekend and stay warm in this Global Freezing we are having.

  3. Happy Friday! I've found you through the over 18 Tag along! I hope you have a great weekend and keep warm if you are in the blizzard zone!

    Barb at Sugarbeat's Books

    Valentine's Giveaway

  4. Hey Hun, hoppin on by real quick with the 18+. Late as usual. *g* I like to read both but I prefer Novels. I like getting totally wrapped up in a story for a few hundred pages. I hope you had a great weekend!


I love getting comments!

Thank you for the comments, greatly appreciated!