
Monday, November 1, 2010

October Paranormal Romance Winners

I have picked the three winners of my October Paranormal Romance Giveaway and they are:


1. Jacinda Hinten (jacmom) - confirmed
2. Elaine G. (confirmed)
3. Amber Young

Please fill out this form with your contact information, so I can send the info. to the publisher thanks!

Please comment on this post if you have won this book on another blog, so I can pick a new winner(s), thanks!

You will have 2 days to get back to me or else I will have to pick new winner(s), thanks!


  1. I tried to email you,but again it went to page not found. Did you get it,like you did the last time?thanx

    Congrats to the other winners

  2. Hi Elaine,

    Yes I did get your e-mail entry!

    Hmm I wonder why everyone gets an error page? Very strange!

  3. Congrats to the winners! This is awesome, happy reading ladies!


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