
Friday, November 12, 2010

18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday #12

Laurie from Bitten by Paranormal has created a 18 and Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday Hop where you can find adult bloggers. Thank you for this was looking for more adult blogs.


*Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky

*Then add your post for the tag along in the second box linky

*When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment, so they can tag along to your blog.

*There is a code on my left sidebar, so you can place the pic. on your post

You must be 18 to participate!!!


  1. Hey there! I'm following you through the blog hop and just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hi! I'm stopping by via the 18+ Tag-a-long to wish you a happy Friday and great weekend!

    Tanya @ Among the Muses

  3. Good Morning!

    Happy Friday. I'm already following. I just love your blog.

    I'm doing all three of the Friday blog runs. I don't limit myself to budget with books. I just love to read and write so that line is always doable for me. And Yes, I love start a series at the 1st book.

  4. Hi,
    I'm stopping by for the tag along. I hope you have a great weekend. Happy Reading!

    Romance Book Junkies


I love getting comments!

Thank you for the comments, greatly appreciated!